Karly Anderson
Fine Art
Gristle Art Gallery- Brooklyn January 2019, December 2019
Nocturnal Animals Show (January 2019)
Playing Card Art Show (December 2019)
SGCI 2018 Conference- Las Vegas, NV April 2018
Inclusion in portfolio curated by Greg Stone.
Greenpoint Gallery- New York February 2018
February Viewer's Choice Salon
Swoon Studio- New York Summers of 2016 and 2017
Studio assistant for Swoon, assisting with production of works for large exhibitions.
Westbeth Gallery- New York January 2017, June 2017, July 2018, July 2019
Whitney Museum Staff Show
Ground Floor Gallery- Brooklyn July 2015- August 2015
Brooklyn Art Library- Brooklyn Permanent Collection
Participated in 2015 Print Exchange. Block print made part of permanent collection.
Saltgrass Printmakers- Salt Lake City February 2015- March 2o15
Participated in "Singular Strategies" group show exhibiting monotype and collagraph printing methods. Produced five pieces for show.
Amity Art Foundation Summer Fellowship- Salt Lake City June 2014- August 2014
At Saltgrass Printmakers. Focus on block print and screen print. Produced four major projects. Responsibly handled grant money.
Westminster College Senior Art Show- Salt Lake City March 2014
Final project in capstone class for BA program. Emphasis in street art with wheat pasted block prints. Produced promotional material for show. Responsible for prepping gallery space and hanging work in aesthetically pleasing manner. Working with nineteen other students to create cohesive exhibition.
Westminster College
Bachelor of Art
Expert knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite 6 including:
-Photoshop: professional quality photo editing and typography
-Dreamweaver: built website for ellipsis... literature and art using HTML 5
-InDesign: use of book layout to create publications for ellipsis... literature and art as well as the English Department at Westminster College
-Acrobat XI: managed and manipulated documents for ellipsis... literature and art as well as the English Department at Westminster College
Expert knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite 2010
Copy editing
Close eye for detail
Fluent knowledge of both Windows 8.1 and Mac OS X
Production Editing
Driftwood Magazine April 2016
Freelance Designer of magazine layout for vegan travel magazine. Used images and content from contributors and stock. Used InDesign and Photoshop to create layout.
Dobrowolski Photo August 2015
Freelance designer of magazine layout used as a mock up for artist's website. Used images provided by artist to create a four page layout and cover. Wrote short article to accompany the images. Used InDesign and Photoshop to create layout.
Hikmet Sidney Loe November 2014- February 2015
Freelance designer of catalog for exhibition at Granary Art Center in Ephraim, Utah. Used InDesign and Photoshop to create layouts showcasing artist’s work and short essays. Gathered images and materials for catalog and organized them. Set production schedules in order to meet deadline. Review of InDesign layouts for final file release to printer. Worked with curator and executive director for design reviews
Westminster College- English Department May 2014
Given project to produce collection of senior these by creative writing students. Use of Adobe InDesign using the book layout. Over two hundred pages. Line and copy edited. Published hard copy through lulu.com.
ellipsis... literature and art May 2013- August 2014
Assisted with production of 2013 volume of nationally recognized literary magazine and fully produced the 2014 volume. Used Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and InDesign. Interacted with Sheradon Press to print magazine. Created website. Archive 50 volumes of magazine into a digital format (available through westminstercollege.edu/ellipsis). Managed submissions online through Submittable. Attended Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference in 2014. Used knowledge and networking gained at conference to spread readership and promote magazine.
Westminster College- Art Department February 2014- March 2014
Produced all promotional material for senior art show. Managed small team to produce promotional materials. Use of Photoshop to create poster and postcard as well as online promotional images. Interacted with print shop to place order, look over proofs, and produce hard copies of materials.
Hikmet Sidney Loe Art librarian and curator
Natasha Sajé ellipsis... literature and art advisor